Berkeley Clubs

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Thomistic Institute at Berkeley


The Thomistic Institute's Campus Chapters program began in 2015, and has since expanded to over 80 campuses worldwide. What are chapters? Campus Chapters are student led organizations recognized by a university. Student leaders are the 'protagonists' and the main catalysts of the events. We encourage undergraduate and graduate students to collaborate with each other, with us, and with their faculty to develop lectures, events, and programs built upon the Christian intellectual tradition. Thomistic? St. Thomas Aquinas stands at the heart of what we do. We believe Aquinas provides a theological backbone for intellectual evangelization. With St. Thomas as our touchstone, our speakers and events open endless possibilities for discussion and growth in intellect and faith! Many speakers are experts not only in areas of Thomistic research, but in philosophy, science, literature, theology, and more. Events There are many different kinds of events a chapter can organize: select a speaker from our network of academics for a lecture hosted at your university, organize a reading group, or even a conference! There are many new and interesting ways to be involved, and we would love to hear your ideas and proposals. Learn more at or search for us on social media to stay updated

