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Students for Sensible Drug Policy UC Berkeley Chapter


SSDP mobilizes and empowers young people to participate in the political and social processes, pushing for sensible policies to achieve a safer and more just future, while simultaneously fighting back against counterproductive Drug War policies. Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) is the only international network of students dedicated to ending the war on drugs. At its heart, SSDP is a grassroots organization, led by a student-run Board of Directors. We are a network of students who are concerned about the impact drug abuse has on our communities, but who also know that the War on Drugs is failing our generation and our society. We create change by bringing young people together and creating safe spaces for students of all political and ideological stripes to have honest conversations about drugs and drug policy. Meetings will be held on the second and last Friday of the month location is subject to change so get on our email list to stay in the loop!
