Berkeley Clubs

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Greeks Against Sexual Assault at Berkeley (GASA)

GASA is a peer-education based organization whose goals center around education, reform, and advocacy. GASA aims to educate members of the campus and CalGreeks community about issues related to sexual violence and sexual harrassment (SVSH). Greeks Against Sexual Assault (GASA) is a peer-education based organization that works with members of the Berkeley community, especially with the CalGreeks Community and the LEAD Center. Our mission is to educate members of our community on SVSH, reform our current culture to be more inclusive and aware of issues facing SVSH, and to advocate for those who are survivors in our campus community. This education may come in the form of workshops, roundtables, meetings, or other settings. This includes but is not limited to education about: consent, consent talks, privilege, power dynamics, bystander intervention, and national and local policies. GASA is committed to advocating for survivors of sexual violence and creating a survivor-centric CalGreeks and greater campus community.

