Berkeley Clubs

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Cal Hiking and Outdoor Society


The largest and oldest outdoor club on campus! Community members, undergrads, and grad students get together to enjoy any and all outdoor activities. Hiking, camping, backpacking, climbing, yoga, slacklining... you name, we do it! IMPORTANT: We only use this CalLink page for administrative purposes with the ASUC, and only add club officers to our roster. If you want to join CHAOS, please go to our "How to Join" tab on our our website, or come out to one of our weekly meetings (details below.) We meet EVERY Wednesday at 7:30 pm! Locations are posted the Monday before on our Instagram (@berkeleychaos), our Discord (<a href=""></a>), our website (, and on our Listserv (member access only). Everyone is welcome to stop by, grab dinner or just chill! Membership is $15 FOR LIFE, and gains you access to the 3000+ email listserv (which includes signups for official weekend events) and the Gear Shed, which contains all types of outdoor gear you will need for your adventures, at no extra cost to you! Keep it Chaotic! :)
