Berkeley Clubs

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Ballet Company at Berkeley


The Ballet Company at Berkeley (BC@B) is UC Berkeley’s first ballet company, committed to excellence in ballet and the enrichment of the arts community on campus, as well as expanding the aesthetic horizons of both dancers and audiences. As a completely student-run company, it will strive to provide a professional environment in which dancers and choreographers can share the joys and innovations of the art of ballet with the UC Berkeley community. Ballet Company at Berkeley holds auditions at the beginning of each semester for those interested in joining our performing company. In addition, our classes are also open to those in the UC Berkeley community who are not a part of our company. Classes will be offered Mondays 6-7 PM and Wednesdays 6-7 PM, which will be available to take as drop-ins for anyone interested. The end of semester showcase will be offered to performing members, with rehearsals on Mondays 7-8 PM and Wednesday from 7-8 PM. Our directors for Fall 2023 are Diana Barbacioru, Lucy Lee, and Ina Nierotka. Please don't hesitate to contact us at! UPDATED PLANS FOR FALL 2023: For Fall 2023 we will be offering an in-person semester, consisting of weekly classes, rehearsals, and an end of semester showcase. We will be adhering to CDC and university guidelines. Weekly class/practices days and times are not set yet as we are working to finalize it. Our classes are open to drop-ins as well. The end of semester showcase will be offered to performing members (acceptance offered through auditions). On Friday, August 25, we will be having an open class from 6-7pm in Eshleman Hall room 10 where we will be teaching a simple ballet class and discussing the plans for Fall 2023 along with the audition process. We highly recommend attending our open class if you are interested in becoming a member of our performing company or a drop-in member for Fall 2023. Auditions will be held on Tuesday, August 29th 6-7pm in Eshleman Hall room 10 and Wednesday, August 30th from 6-7 pm in Eshleman Hall room 10. Please arrive at 5:30pm to check in for the audition as the class will begin promptly at 6:00pm. A make-up audition will also be held on Friday, September 1st from 6:00-7:00pm in Eshleman Hall room 240. We will be teaching a simple audition class and all are welcome, even if you are not interested in joining the performing company. All dancers seeking to join the performing company in Fall 2023 must audition, even if they are returning members. Virtual auditions will be available upon request, please email If you have any questions, please email We look forward to dancing with you all soon!
